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When you apply for a mortgage or home equity loan, you're assigned a Navy Federal home loan advisor. Check this list to ensure your advisor is a licensed Mortgage Loan Originator.


Mortgage Loan Originators
Registered Mortgage Loan Originator License Number
Saavedra, Lourdes Yaneth 1454194
Sabernia, Riley 2454934
Sadler, Kimberly Mccauley 2631911
Sadler, Miranda 2025643
Saefong, Karen 2500541
Salas, Teresa Cruz 665315
Salazar, Jennifer 2501663
Salazar, Mario Karlo 984973
Salazar, Mia Elizabeth Ann 1932502
Saldivar, Damion Joseph 1644993
Salgado, Douglas 1744678
Salmond, Tiffany Briales 1733170
Salter, Jordan H 1865120
Saltman, Alicia Rae 1114990
Sample, Heather 1521075
Sampson, Dawn 1010389
San Miguel, Le'Saundra Xylana-Le'Chel 2579815
Sanchez, Brian M 2600633
Sanchez, La'Tricia Mone 337045
Sanchez, Lydia 1902316
Sanchez, Stephanie 2404298
Sanders, Chase 2675516
Sanders, Olivia 2662961
Sanderson, Tyler Lee 821040
Sandusky, Kimberly 2634075
Sanjurjo, Benae 2406636
Sanner, Allison Mari 1626010
Santiago, Kathleen 2010080
Santos, Elijah Lee Kekoa Leonor 2682391
Santos, Karida Katamaria 2427257
Santos, Leilani Rose Koga 788235
Sapp, Farrah 1581058
Sapp, Jeremy Allen 1144136
Sapp, Kayla Renee Pearl 2438120
Sardar, Janett 2648376
Satterwhite, Sunnysky Kay 911689
Saucedo, Zobeida Corina 1415402
Savage, Mary Ann 1546046
Sayle, Susan Elyse Dillinger 2526002
Scales, Tamika 2351227
Scarborough, Lyn 2465956
Scheel, Jenny Renee 1833757
Schilke, Myrna M 1454179
Schmitz, Thomas Edward 1229180
Schnaars, Brielle Marie 1585337
Schneider, Marianne 708997
Schoen, Roy J 2638822
Schoeneck, Brad Peter 699928
Schoenfeld, Daniel 1245793
Schramm, Jennifer Cari 788467
Schrock, Abigail 2519231
Schroeder, Katrina 2648359
Schuster, Diana 2268563
Scoggins, Katie 2595450
Sconiers, Kesley 2667265
Scott, Christopher Shane 383476
Scott, Courtney Nicole 1743631
Scott, Jamie Richelle 1844722
Scott, Marlen Bertulfo 1656352
Scott, Rebecca Denise 1942650
Scott, Shannon 2484225
Scott, Skyler 2404296
Scott, Troy L 1869672
Scroggs, Dewey Wilson 2239710
Scull, Robecca L 1473467
Searles, Courtnie Lee 1885968
Sebastian, Brandi Nicole 2570060
Sebastian, Kristin Noel 1061007
Sedig, Susan M 2013086
Sedoo, Jennifer 2032456
See, Lisa Ann 2442593
Seebeck, Ryan 2153305
Seguin, Vincent A 915115
Sejas, Christian Alejandro 1723802
Sellers, Jamir Kiandre 2052677
Sellner, Joann Lynn 375980
Seng, Dany 1192798
Senzig, Jean-Nicolas 2034921
Sepeda, Crystal Marie 2671839
Sereyko, Kody Blaise 1831167
Sessa, Adam 2049653
Sexton, Dylan Wayne 2287591
Sexton, Elsie Jane 1929012
Seymour, Amber Lynn 1619096
Shah, Sikandar 631394
Shah, Swata Pratik 2670095
Shain, Savannah Storm 2667271
Shanholtz, David Paul 1785143
Shannon, Kimberly Ashely 1742203
Sharp, Tiffany 2392833
Sharp, Zachary Benjamin 1727503
Shaw, Michael James 1733177
Shaw, Patrick Vincent 8217
Shaw, Taylor Elizabeth 2095883
Shaw, Traci S 468747
Sheaffers, Siedah 1870576
Sheets, Desiree Jean 708860
Shekleton, Debrah A 2629730
Shelest, Angelica 2062936
Shelton, Anthony 2562817
Shelton, Heather 2025661
Shepard, Velvet 2056761
Shepherd, Christie Sherina 1137480
Shepherd, Claire E 2463667
Sheppard, Olivia Leora 2187081
Sherman, Janovia 2389102
Sherman, Kara 1928287
Sherman, Rylee Mikylen-Elise 2667267
Sherman, Theresa W 709110
Sherzad, Marwa 2675513
Shetter, Lisa Dawn 895258
Shields, Lauren Nicole 1645599
Shirk, Penny Lynn 303752
Shirley, Daniel Desmond 1980825
Shockley, Kristina 1899450
Shouse, Kaziyl Nicole 2133427
Shue, Shahntel Dahn 1473472
Shultz, Angela 1407217
Shurett, William Thomas 1048600
Shy, Ellen 2555914
Sickels, Ashley Renee 1861424
Sidener, Christy 1861866
Sierra Martinez, Graciela Olimpia 2338972
Sigler, Rania 2191558
Silleker, Linda Marie 788332
Silverman, Jaclyn 2629728
Silvi, Kea 2498369
Simmons, Amber 1882171
Simmons, Chad Lee 393519
Simmons, Chelsea Jane 1040672
Simmons, Jeffrey Ryan 1882177
Simmons, Karen Renee 1380390
Simmons, Rochelle 1929014
Simmons, Samantha Shea 1582456
Simpkins, Lariah Ann 1430563
Simpson, Ha Thi Ngoc 1723808
Simpson, Jessica 2667282
Simpson, Kimberly 2063137
Simpson, Mary 1838799
Simpson, Tamika 1869668
Simpson-Clarke, Jerrydean Olivia 708922
Sims, Sarah Lucile 2169483
Sines, Sierra 2232463
Singh, Geetha Rajendra 1339716
Singh, Minder 665293
Singletary, Brenda Antoinette 2187080
Singley, Sydney 2274204
Sissac, Adela Michelle 2410981
Slack, Carla Marie 872045
Slay, Chandler 2022394
Sloan, Jennifer Sarah 1426763
Sloat, Amber Haley 1996158
Slone, Joan Yvonne 285227
Smaga-Malek, Marta 1393648
Smartt, Alisia Ann 1674508
Smegelski, Deborah A 955259
Smith, Alexander 1801015
Smith, Andrea N 2432195
Smith, Brian J 681342
Smith, Cynthia Rose 1666728
Smith, Diana Diaz 788215
Smith, Emily Brooks 716006
Smith, Haley Danelle 2029006
Smith, Jackson 1739894
Smith, Jasmine Teyana 1819809
Smith, Jeanette 2435469
Smith, Jennelyn Egley 456290
Smith, Jennifer Diane 708919
Smith, John R 1803022
Smith, Jonathan N 724293
Smith, Jordan 2667266
Smith, Judith O 708934
Smith, Kaitlyn Marie 1773493
Smith, Kimberlyn 2160575
Smith, Krista 2448628
Smith, Leah Iway 1904787
Smith, Lizandra 2268565
Smith, Marcia 2540761
Smith, Mariah E 1831462
Smith, Markee 1814218
Smith, Michael Russell 892158
Smith, Samantha Christine 1625373
Smith, Sarena 1898591
Smith, Shelby Faith 1756959
Smith, Skylar 2649322
Smith, Tyra 2667270
Smith-O'Neil, Megan 2456336
Smithson, Joshua Brent 2049652
Snell, Phillip H 1500524
Snerling, Denisha 1788773
Snipes, Jessica Leann 1771034
Snow, Adam Ray 892118
Snyder, Christopher Adam 2675522
Soares, Victhor Moroni 1391610
Soble, Jeana Marie 2523339
Solangon, Valerie Gale Lorenzo 1877837
Solano, Lina Viviana 631345
Soliman, Shorouk 2406635
Solomon, Torri 2387620
Solorio, Marivel 625739
Somerlade, Traci Lynne 1330878
Sommers, Wyatt Masaru 2022384
Sorensen, Lacy Richeson 2662960
Soriano, Lilly 2328818
Soto-Negron, Sebastian 2268580
Spangler, Eric 1966782
Spears, Lacandace Rashuan 2438123
Spears, Savannah 2465975
Speed, Jason 2148640
Spence, Brooke Ashley 631400
Spencer, Amber Leigh 2387621
Spencer, Ara L 643387
Spencer, Jordan 1717009
Spilker, Dawnell Lynn 856044
Spillane, Gabriel 1468156
Spivey, Darren Austin 2256868
Spivey, Emily 2395242
Spriegel, Curtis 1956363
Stacy, Nova Ariel 2379137
Staggers, Lisa Y 866970
Stanchev, Emanuil 839698
Standback, Kimberly P 708951
Standefer, Sarah 1869671
Stanley, Davita 2056763
Stanley, Siobhan 1020931
Stanton, Dennis Leveson 2228504
Stanton, Shannon 2435476
Staplin, Jennifer Jean 1063764
Starcher, Serah G 1865506
Stark, Shelley R 1567265
Starling, Sherry Lynn 1447250
Starr, Amy 2414782
Starr, Colby Austin 2023713
Statam, Meghan 1962549
Staton, Shane I 554751
Staub, Daniel 1100807
Steadham, Carolyn Michelle 1378744
Stearns, Cierra Dawn 1781650
Steele, Allison 1931528
Steele, Sandra 1268099
Steen, Janelle Christine 2176746
Steffen, Searra 2523636
Steffens, Stephanie T 659513
Steffon, Jennifer Lee 858773
Stehling-Jackson, Josephine 2589575
Stenstrom, Jessica 1775666
Stephens, Melanie D 1505176
Stephens, Victoria Corrine 1640425
Sterling, Shelby Ann 1913001
Stevens, Hannah Song 2268572
Stevenson, Christina 1671689
Stevenson, Donna J 2559903
Stewart, Brendan 2540764
Stewart, Brittany C 2344673
Stewart, Carla A 2264980
Stewart, Kristin 1884155
Stokes, Karen Louise 823225
Stokes, Rose Anne Barlow 1572178
Stokes, Shannon L 1449982
Stokes, Tyrone Shinall 321978
Stolfi, Maria Rose 2304921
Stone, Benjamin Douglas 2593204
Stone, Karol A 2386302
Stone, Kayla Danielle 1861864
Stone, Taylor 1932746
Storm, Monica 1956364
Storm, Taylor 2192498
Storms, Michelle 2448629
Stout, Olivia 2143523
Strachan, Laura 2244019
Strecker, Roger 389007
Strickland, Jenny L 1822101
Strowder, Latresa Chivon 1926049
Struble, Kimberly D 647323
Stryker, Ryan Wade 2679173
Stuckey, Linda A 699860
Suarez, Maxine Lea 1905830
Sugatan, Bonnie J 709176
Sullenberger, Vaughn 1624259
Sullivan, Wilson 1975074
Sumlin, Allisha M 2589576
Sumlin, Lori 2398046
Sura Gonzalez, Eliseo Ezequiel 1851684
Suri, Payal 788273
Suriano-Fox, Robbie 1487866
Sutton, Alice M 2631913
Sutton, Cayley Lynn 2268564
Sutton, Zoe Josephine 2554414
Svezzese, Nicole R 1532497
Swayne, Malina Elizabeth 2133429
Sweet, Kyle 2658229
Swiatkowski, Alexandra Hammon 1901765
Swopes, Alexia Lorraine 2032450
Swopes, Jovona Monique 643447
Syed, Silsila 2540762
Sykes, Marshall P 2648354