Alert: If you will be impacted by a potential government shutdown, paycheck assistance is available. Learn more. about our paycheck assistance program
Saving & Investing: How to Choose the Right Account
Harnessing the power of saving and investing can totally change your financial future.
Wondering which you should choose? We’ve summarized features and benefits for several saving and investing options, so you can see at a glance which may work best for your financial goals.
Achieving Your Savings Goals Starts Here
Best for: Those who value guaranteed returns and can put money away for a set period of time.
- You’ll have guaranteed earnings.
- Your earnings are stable and unaffected by market fluctuations.
- Your earnings are generally higher than you’d get with a standard savings account.
- They're ideal for saving for short- or mid-term goals.
- Your certificate is federally insured—which means it’s backed by the federal government.
Best for: Those looking for the potential for higher earnings and who can tolerate some risk in stock market investing.
- Simplify investing with this low-cost online tool.
- Forget worrying you need a lot of money to get started. Invest as little as $1.
- Manage your own investments or have us manage a personalized, automated portfolio for you—it’s all up to you.
- Test it out for 30 days—with no obligation.Footnote 2
Best for: Those who want to earn a higher rate, but need the flexibility to access their money quickly.
- You can earn a higher rate than with a traditional savings account.
- It combines features of both savings and checking accounts.
- You can withdraw your money anytime.
- The account is federally insured—which means it’s backed by the federal government.
Best for: Those who want to establish an emergency fund and have less than $2,500 in assets to save or invest.
- It’s a secure place to keep your money.
- The account is federally insured—which means it’s backed by the federal government.
- You have easy access to your funds and can transfer funds quickly if needed.
Best for: Those who want to save for their children’s educational expenses.
- The plan covers K-12, apprenticeship training and college.
- Your money grows on a tax-deferred basis.
- Funds can be used for tuition, room and board, fees, and supplies.
- 529 plan funds can be used for any eligible college in any state.
Best for: Those who want to save for their own or their children’s educational expenses.
- The money can be used for qualified K-12 and college expenses.
- Your money grows tax-free, and withdrawals are tax-free when used for qualified expenses.
- You can contribute or access money anytime.
- You can use an education savings plan to supplement a 529 plan.
Savings Resources
Protect Your Future With a Financial Plan
A financial plan is the first step to building a strong foundation for your finances.Learn More about Protect Your Future With a Financial Plan -
Investing 101
Get to know the basics of brokerage accounts to help you make smarter investments.Learn More about Investing 101 -
Smart Money Strategies From MakingCents
From expert advice to budget calculators, these tools, resources and smart money strategies can help you achieve your financial goals.Learn More about Smart Money Strategies From MakingCents
Navy Federal Financial Group, LLC (NFFG) is a licensed insurance agency. Non-deposit investments, brokerage, and advisory products are only sold through Navy Federal Investment Services, LLC (NFIS), a member of FINRA/SIPC and an SEC-registered investment advisory firm. NFIS is a wholly owned subsidiary of NFFG. Insurance products are offered through NFFG and NFIS. These products are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, are not guaranteed or obligations of Navy Federal Credit Union (NFCU), are not offered, recommended, sanctioned, or encouraged by the federal government, and may involve investment risk, including possible loss of principal. Deposit products and related services are provided by NFCU. Digital Investor offered through NFIS. Financial Advisors are employees of NFFG, and they are employees and registered representatives of NFIS. NFIS and NFFG are affiliated companies under the common control of NFCU. Call 1-877-221-8108 for further information.
↵Digital Investor is available exclusively to Navy Federal Credit Union members and requires digital banking credentials. A Membership Savings Account with a $5 minimum balance is required to establish and maintain membership.