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Bottom Line Up Front

  • Traditional IRA account contributions are made with pre-tax dollars, while a Roth IRA is funded by after-tax dollars.
  • You can enjoy tax-free growth and tax-free distributions with a Roth IRA, but make sure you understand the tax consequences before you make the switch.
  • You’ll owe taxes on traditional IRA funds that you convert to a Roth IRA. You’ll need to pay them in the tax year you made the switch.

Time to Read

4 minutes

January 24, 2025

Many adults invest in an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). If this includes you, you may have chosen a traditional IRA as part of your retirement planning. IRA assets can play a big role as part of your retirement savings, along with Social Security, workplace 401(k) accounts and other investments.

Because Roth IRAs offer great tax benefits, you may be wondering if converting funds from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA would be a smart decision for you. Let’s take a look.

Fundamental differences: Traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA

First, make sure you understand the tax advantages—and the tax consequences—to both types of IRAs. A Roth IRA offers a different set of tax implications than a traditional IRA.

Traditional IRAs

With a traditional IRA, you’re effectively investing pre-tax dollars. You can deduct those IRA contributions on your federal tax return for the same tax year. You also get a tax benefit upfront while your money potentially grows tax-deferred over time, based on your investment choices. In 2025, the Internal Revenue Service allows you to contribute up to $7,000 ($8,000 if you’re 50 or older). You can deduct that amount from your taxable income the same tax year. This can help reduce your tax bill in the short term.

Roth IRAs

With a Roth IRA, you’re making contributions with after-tax dollars. Even though you can’t deduct contributions on your federal tax return as you can with a traditional IRA, your money can grow and be withdrawn tax-free in retirement. That’s a big benefit that isn’t available with a traditional IRA. 

Paying taxes on a Roth IRA conversion

If you have a traditional IRA but like the idea of tax-free growth and withdrawals that come with a Roth IRA, you might consider converting your account. But before you do, be aware that you’ll have to pay taxes on that money since you didn’t pay taxes on it when you first contributed. And, the taxes on funds converted will be due in the tax year of the conversion.

If you’re 73 years old, you’ll have to take an annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your traditional IRA. This threshold was raised from 72 to 73 with the passage of the SECURE 2.0 Act in 2023. Taking RMDs is necessary every year, and you’ll have to take that distribution before you can convert the funds. You’ll pay taxes on the RMD as ordinary income as well.

These tax payments may give you pause. But depending on your situation, it may be worth it to pay now and then reap the tax benefits later.

A traditional-to-Roth IRA conversion may make sense if:

  • You’ll have low income or no other income in the year you’re converting. If you’re in a lower income tax bracket because of a layoff or time away from the workforce, then converting now could save you money because you’ll pay less in taxes while your tax rate is lower. You don’t have to convert the entire balance—you can convert any amount you choose.
  • You’ll retire in a higher tax bracket. No one knows for sure what tax rates will be in the future. If you believe yours will be higher after you retire, it may make sense to pay tax on the money now. That way, you can avoid paying a higher tax rate on withdrawals when you’re retired.
  • You want to pass tax-free money to heirs. Beneficiaries who inherit your Roth IRA won’t have to pay federal income tax on the withdrawals if the Roth IRA account has been open at least 5 years. If it has been open for a shorter period, they’ll owe tax with no penalty.
  • The value of the investments in your traditional IRA has fallen considerably. If the value of your IRA investment has taken a huge dip due to market fluctuations, volatility or recession, a lower IRA account value could be a good time to consider a Roth IRA conversion.

A traditional-to-Roth IRA conversion may not make sense if:

  • You’re likely to need the money within 5 years. If you’re nearing retirement and expect to make withdrawals within 5 years, you’ll probably want to keep the traditional IRA. Withdrawals from a Roth IRA are only tax-free if you’re 59 1/2 years old or older and have held the account for at least 5 years. If you withdraw the money sooner, you’ll not only end up paying tax, but you’ll also pay a 10% early withdrawal penalty. Plus, if you need to use money from the IRA to pay the conversion taxes, you’ll lose all future earnings on that amount.
  • You expect your tax rate to drop. If you expect to have a lower tax rate when you retire, then converting might cost you more in taxes now than you’d save with tax-free withdrawals later. Look at your tax bracket now and consider what it may be in retirement before you decide to go through with the conversion.

Roth IRA and traditional IRA accounts both have benefits that you should look at as part of your estate planning. If you still need some guidance, a tax advisor can help you walk through these scenarios in greater detail.

Next Steps Next Steps

  1. To read more about what the IRS has to say about traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs, review its consumer information on the basic differences between the IRA accounts. It even offers a tool to help you determine if your distribution from a traditional IRA—or from 2 other types of accounts called SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs—would be fully or partially taxable in a given year.
  2. Talk to one of our financial advisors today to get more information about these investment tools and the retirement savings solutions we provide to our members.


Navy Federal Financial Group, LLC (NFFG) is a licensed insurance agency. Non-deposit investments, brokerage and advisory products are only sold through Navy Federal Investment Services, LLC (NFIS), a member of FINRA/SIPC and an SEC-registered investment advisory firm. NFIS is a wholly owned subsidiary of NFFG. Insurance products are offered through NFFG and NFIS. These products are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, are not guaranteed or obligations of Navy Federal Credit Union (NFCU), are not offered, recommended, sanctioned or encouraged by the federal government, and may involve investment risk, including possible loss of principal. Deposit products and related services are provided by NFCU. Financial advisors are employees of NFFG, and they are employees and registered representatives of NFIS. NFIS and NFFG are affiliated companies under the common control of NFCU. Call 1-877-221-8108 for further information.

This content is intended to provide general information and shouldn't be considered legal, tax or financial advice. It's always a good idea to consult a tax or financial advisor for specific information on how certain laws apply to your situation and about your individual financial situation.